Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet relies on donations to keep our services available to those who need them. We also rely on financial donations in order to keep our store up and running. When you give a financial gift, you are helping those in need in our community by allowing us to keep our services readily available to them. When donating any amount to Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet, you are helping us continue giving people hope and dignity.

You can donate a monthly subscription using the PayPal Subscribe button

or a custom donation with the button above:


Bequesting is a common way of giving to charity after one's lifetime. It's a thoughtful and generous way to leave a lasting impact on the causes and organizations that matter most to you. By including a charitable bequest in your will, you can ensure that your legacy will continue beyond your lifetime and that your assets will be used to support Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet. Bequests can also provide tax benefits and can be a way to involve your family in your philanthropic efforts. It's important to work with an experienced estate planning attorney to ensure that your bequest is properly drafted and reflects your wishes. 

If you would like more info or if you wish to include Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet, please email 

ACH Donations

Giving an ACH payment as a donation to Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet is an excellent way to support a worthy cause and make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling. ACH payments are a secure and reliable way to transfer funds, and they allow for quick and easy donations that can help us mitigate fees. You can set this up through your bank. Your donation can make a tangible impact, helping to provide warmth, comfort, and hope to those facing challenging times. 

If you would like to make an ACH donation to Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet, please email    

Cash or Check Donation

If you're looking to donate to Good Shepherd's Clothes Closet in Sparks, NV, there are a couple of ways you can do so. First, you can drop off cash or a check in person at 540 Greenbrae Dr. Second, if you prefer to send your donation through the mail, you can do so by sending it to their PO Box address at PO Box 1287 Sparks, NV. 89432. Either way, your donation will go towards supporting their mission of providing clothes and other essentials to those in need within the community.

If you would like to make an in person or mail donation and need more info, please email